There are several reasons the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles may suspend your driver’s license. If you have received a suspension notice, be aware that the suspension goes into effect 18 days after being mailed to you. Some of the more common reasons for a suspension include failing to appear for a summons, failing to meet insurance requirements, being documented as a habitual traffic offender, operating a vehicle while intoxicated, or failing to pay child support.
There are ways to get your license suspension reversed. For many people, a reversal means avoiding the numerous financial and situational problems that would result from not being able to drive. The license reinstatement process will be different for each license-suspense situation. For suspensions relating to driving offenses, there are typically more steps, and potential court time involved. For suspensions owing to unrelated charges like bad checks, it is easier to reverse the suspension by simply paying back what is owed. There is also a fee for reinstating your license with the BMV.
Why might you need an experienced attorney to help with your suspended license? In Indiana, drivers can, in some cases, receive a hardship or probationary license if they can prove to the court that they need their vehicle. When it comes to the First Time License Suspension, for example, applicants for the hardship license must prove that the suspension would prevent them from getting to their place of employment, and create a burden for both the applicant and the family they support.
In most cases, a hardship license can go into effect 30 days after the initial suspension. It helps to have an attorney involved with this court process so that you know the judge will be receiving convincing and factual evidence in your favor. If you have any questions about drivers license suspension in Indiana, contact our Fort Wayne drivers license attorney at 260-428-2214, or contact The Bellinger Law Office online.