A shoplifting charge is more significant than you may think. Penalties can include significant restitution charges, community service or jail time. It is important to have a strong defense against even a minor theft charge. At our Fort Wayne, Indiana, law firm, The Bellinger Law Office, we advise and defend clients who face charges involving theft of money or property.
Don’t Ignore a Theft Charge. Call an Attorney Today.
Contact our law firm if you have been charged with retail theft or any other type of theft. Our lawyer, Robert Bellinger, works hard to secure the most favorable outcome possible in your case. Call our Fort Wayne office at 260-428-2214.
We defend clients against any type of theft charge, including the following:
If you are convicted of theft, you may be sentenced to jail and be required to pay court costs and make restitution. You may also become ineligible for student financial aid and be barred from certain kinds of employment. It’s not worth it, so consult an attorney.
Many of our clients are not acting as criminals. They are single mothers, college students, the unemployed and others who don’t realize the significance of a theft charge and conviction or may have misunderstood rules and regulations related to job or welfare benefits or financial aid. Frequently, our clients have had little experience with the criminal justice system, and they sometimes make the mistake of trying to represent themselves. They view the charges as minor. Please don’t make the same mistake — you could be convicted and sentenced in your first and only court appearance.
Contact a Fort Wayne Theft Defense Lawyer. For a vigorous defense against any theft charge, call The Bellinger Law Office today at 260-428-2214. Or complete our contact form. We will respond quickly.